This is a project in Gloucester Square, UK, you can watch the short story here from BBC news.

According to the residents, the street was drab and without hope, each resident keeping to themselves. After being painted in bright colours the people that live there feel happier, hopeful and come out to look at the houses and make new friends. All from having a some colour on their houses!
If you look around the world, there a many cities with beautifully painted houses.

Not everyone wants to paint their house, its more about adding some colour to give life, excitement and it can be a talking point something beautiful in your garden or front door.
Here are some ideas you may want to try for adding some colour. It can be wonderful welcome home seeing some colour and greeting you after a long day. A bright and cheerful doormat is something easy and effective. If you’re feeling committed and have a wooden front door, there’s always the option of painting it (remember to check with your paint store to find the right paint, and if it’s an old door, check if there is lead paint involved and ask for specialised help and wear the right protective clothing).
Let your imagination fly and add some colour to the outside of your home. You’ll be surprised at how good it makes you feel when you come home.