Having a young teen girl at home is a huge learning experience for both teen and parents! There are so many changes going on in their brains, we as adults need to remain calm, caring and firm in our convictions. All my study as a life coach is helping me through this time while my…

Canberra Buildings, Floriade Flowers and your Entry Hall at Home
I’ve been blessed to have completed some road trips recently and some exploring. You may be wondering what Canberra buildings, Floriade flowers and your entry hall have in common? We drove down to Canberra in the ACT. I haven’t been to Canberra since before Covid. There was a lot of development on the main street…

Harmony in your Home – Part 2 – Your Front Entrance
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring here in Sydney Australia. Already we’ve had some warmer than average days and the grass is growing quicker. I’m thinking it’s time to tidy up my front garden. Last time I talked about decluttering your home, read more here. Once you’ve finished step one, it’s time to move…

Harmony in your Home – Part 1 – Decluttering
Recently I was speaking to a school principal who was reading a newly released book “The Anxious Generation” by Jonathan Haidt. I was curious and thought I’d reserve it at my local library. Amazingly, my reserve was no. 41! I was in disbelief that so many people wanted to read this book and that there…
Can light coloured roofs save money on electricity?
This is a great question which has some answers in an ABC news article here The article completed research on the temperature of houses with dark roofs compared to those with light roofs with the difference of 10 degrees in some studies. It also estimated a cost saving of up to $700 per year on…
How can colourful balloons make you laugh?
If you need some laughter and lightness in your life, look no further than colourful balloons. Recently I was at a meeting with teenagers (from 11 to 16 years old). Part of the learning involved blowing up a balloon. After the learning finished, there were lots of games of balloon tennis and “keepy uppy” (hitting…
What colours are best for study and concentration?
In Australia we are in the midst of the HSC – the final exams to finish off high school before going to college or university for further study. Students have finished their trial exams, and the actual HSC will start in October. So what are the best colours to help with study and concentration? These…
Can coloured houses make people happier?
This is a project in Gloucester Square, UK, you can watch the short story here from BBC news. According to the residents, the street was drab and without hope, each resident keeping to themselves. After being painted in bright colours the people that live there feel happier, hopeful and come out to look at the…
How to create your own calm space at home
We all need a peaceful spot to reset and relax We all need somewhere quiet to unwind, read a book, just “be”, or meditate – away from the hustle and bustle of life. A place to spend at least 5 minutes to reset and unwind to balance our mind and body to be able to…
Colours and Menopause – is there a connection?
Does wearing cool colours help with menopause hot flashes? Good questions? And I don’t know the answers, these are just some thoughts I’ve had through my own experience. Would love your feedback on this on my beautiful readers! I usually wear warm colours like orange, deep red and love the rich tones. Until recently. When…