Does wearing cool colours help with menopause hot flashes?
Good questions? And I don’t know the answers, these are just some thoughts I’ve had through my own experience.
Would love your feedback on this on my beautiful readers!
I usually wear warm colours like orange, deep red and love the rich tones. Until recently. When I started having the hot flashes of menopause I tried wearing my warm colours and felt a suffocating feeling come over me, even during the middle of winter. I actually can’t wear any of the warm colours at the moment, or only more natural fabrics. Then, when shopping for clothes, I was drawn to the cooler blues and greens which I now love.
I started thinking. Usually we’re drawn to colours that we need to balance our bodies and energy, and for me, I definitely felt more comfortable in the cooler colours. Did it make a difference for me? Yes, because I didn’t feel the stifling heat overcome me. Is it all in my mind? Yes! If I dress in colours that remind me of the cool blue water, or the shady leafy forests, then that helps me to remember to slow down, breath deeply and be calm, knowing the heat will pass.
And I’ve been doing lots of research on menopause, and can’t find anything about wearing cooler colours to help. Maybe no one has thought of it. Maybe I’m more sensitive to colours. The research I’ve found only mentions different fabrics to wear.
Everything I have read agrees on the importance of stress management, finding calm and mindfulness. To join a few dots, blue and green are soothing and calming to the mind and body. So it would make sense to wear calming colours that also make you think cool thoughts. And for me, fabric plays a huge role in keeping cool. I feel much more comfortable in natural fibres.
There’s also a lot of research suggesting creating the best environment for sleeping – a cooler temperature, darkness, cotton pyjamas, meditating before sleep. Thinking again, cotton sheets are great, and what about a beautifully cooling environment in your bedroom with light, cooler shades of blue or green to help create a beautiful calming and cool feeling to go to sleep.
If any of you, my wonderful readers have any thoughts or experience about colours and menopause I would love to hear from you.
You can drop me an email here
Thank you and have a wonderful week.
Tracey from Colour Dreamland
My e-book “The Insider’s Guide to Decorating with Colour” is available here
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