If you need some laughter and lightness in your life, look no further than colourful balloons.

Recently I was at a meeting with teenagers (from 11 to 16 years old). Part of the learning involved blowing up a balloon. After the learning finished, there were lots of games of balloon tennis and “keepy uppy” (hitting a balloon from underneath to keep it up in the air) and something amazing happened. When they were playing they connected more by talking, lots of smiles and laughter. It was as if a barrier had been broken and they were kids again and all they had to think about was balloon tennis.
Try this yourself, with your children, family or friends, remember to use colourful balloons. It can keep your children occupied and lighten their mood. See if you feel lighter and some of the stresses of the day lift and let yourself laugh. As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.
Have a fun filled and colourful day!